sábado, 31 de janeiro de 2015


THE GATHERING STORM Air pollution in Asia may be changing weather patterns in the United States.
Increasingly intense storms in the United States might have an unexpected origin: Asian air pollution. Researchers from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory have found that aerosols from across the Pacific strengthen extratropical cyclones—a type of storm system that drives much of our country's weather. Asia is home to the world's 20 most polluted cities, but that dirty air doesn’t stay put, as the above animation of aerosol emissions shows. Water vapor in the atmosphere condenses around particles, and an influx of particulate matter—say, from a coal-fired power plant—can produce bigger, badder clouds. So far, the atmospheric scientists have only looked at how pollution from the continent affects North American weather, but they expect that the effects are global in scale. When countries around the world finalize carbon emissions commitments this year, let’s hope they remember we’re on different sides of the same planet. 

Fonte: http://www.onearth.org/

Alguien para un velero

Estoy buscando alguien para un Victory 34 y un capitan sesentón, para vueltas del perro, módicas navegaciones a Uruguay, colaburar aprestando el barco en la amarra, etc.

Que busco?

Alguien no muy pendex, sino mas bien maduro, no regatista, que le guste la navegación no el deporte, que se olvide del celular a bordo,que sepa disfrutar un buen vino y preparar un mejor gin tonic, que tenga un estado físico aceptable para cubrir mis deficiencias, si se da maña con mecánica y bricolaje a bordo, mejor, cocinar no importa, cocino yo, mujeres (que no se saquen selfies , ¿me entienden?) bienvenidas, con buenas amura y pantoque mejor. Y, espero que el navegar sea un placer asi que,aunque dificil en el medio nautico, preferentemente k.

Antonio Ballester

sábado, 17 de janeiro de 2015

Delta do Tigre ( Buenos Aires)

Lancha Interisleña ( foto Gustavo Puceiro)

Suba do Rio ( foto Gustavo Puceiro)

terça-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2015